See 4 generations of Marx
Esther Marx, born about 1869 in Texas (possibly Galveston) married Eduard Scharff and Lynton “Pappy” Scharff was their only child. Her parents were Samuel Marx, born about 1822 in Prussia of Prussian parents,and Rosa, born about 1832 in Texas to a Prussian father and a mother born in Louisiana. In 1880 Samuel was a grocer in Galveston, Texas. Esther had six sisters and brothers who were born also in Texas: Henry (b. 1859), Charles (b. 1862), David (b. 1870), Hattie (b. 1873), Bella (b. 1875) and Carrie (b. 1877). Bella Marx married Dr. Isidore Block, an opthalmologist, a son of Solomon Block .
Here is the census from from 1880 that show the family Samuel & Rosa Marx family 1880 US Census Form Galveston, Tx annotated